My Path by Nicole Ryan - Lisa Kloeble

My Path by Nicole Ryan - best realtors in Saskatoon - Lisa Kloeble

Have you ever looked back over your life and found that where you are now is exactly where you were meant to be? The path may have been long and winding and full of potholes and maybe even some massive road construction. And even though you didn’t have a map or couldn’t see the end, somehow you were led to exactly the right place? That is how I feel about joining Lisa’s team. As I reflect back on how we came together and how my life experiences led not only to a career in real estate but also to being an asset for the team, I am overflowing with gratitude.

It all started with the purchase of our first house in 2002. Since then I have been expanding my knowledge of real estate through several home transactions, home renovations, house flips and complete home builds. Each step was a natural progression through the learning process. I now have experience with home inspections, permit requests/inspections and zoning permissions at the municipal level. At the contracting level, I have experience with hiring, scheduling and monitoring contractors. As a landlord, I have experience with property management. What I love most about the entire process, whether it is touring a home for sale or taking on a home renovation, is visualizing how the home will be LIVED in and taking on the task of making it better!

I’ve been travelling this path for almost 20 years and until recently I hadn’t reflected on where it would or could lead. I was doing what I loved and that was enough. But then Lisa was looking for help with her growing business and I was ready for the next step. It was time for me to learn Real Estate from a professional. It was the perfect opportunity for me to dip my toes into this exciting profession and learn the backend of home transactions and running a real estate business. What I learned has made the next step in my path another natural progression as I am now studying to become a licensed realtor. The exciting part is sharing my knowledge with others but the best part is working alongside Lisa. Lisa loves to share her knowledge and it shows. She is very good at what she does and as one of the best realtors in Saskatoon, Lisa is a great mentor for me. I look forward to working with her and growing into a Realtor she will be proud to call her teammate.

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