Fall Trends | Lisa Kloeble Your Realtor With Heart

The fall season is just around the corner and it’s time to prepare for all of the changes. We know that you’re probably getting ready to switch out your summer clothes for a cozy sweater, but are you prepared with the latest home trends? Today we have 5 Decor Trends to share that will add that cozy feeling to your home that we all love about fall!

1). Layering: An easy way to add some warmth this season is by layering different textures like rattan and wicker furniture, chunky knit blankets and even some velvet.

Layering- Fall Trends

Photo credit: goodhousekeeping.com

2). Earthy tones and warm colour palettes: Instead of doing an entire bold accent wall, try adding in colour with decor like blankets, rugs, and even peel and stick wall paper which is also making a comeback.

warm colour palettes - Fall Trendscolour palettes - Fall Trendscolour palettes - Fall Trends

Photo credit: sherwinwilliams


3). Partitions and room dividers: The open concept living room and kitchen is really great for entertaining and family gatherings. However after the last year of navigating working from home and spending more time at home, having places of privacy and solitude rank much higher on the scale of importance.

Partitions and room dividers - Fall Trends

Photo credit: rentcafe.com

4). Plaids and Checks: Combining patterns and textures is in! Don’t be scared to mix and match. Try to use different scales to help balance and soften the look.

Plaids and Checks - Fall TrendsPlaids and Checks - Fall Trends

Photo credit (bed): Emma Lee & Sally Dunning

Photo credit (couch): Michael J Lee

5). Comfortable and cozy ambiance: With so much time being spent at home these days, taking the comfort to the next level is most welcomed! An easy way to do this with style is with a giant, knit blanket.

Comfortable and cozy ambiance

Photo credit: Amazon.ca

Home interior design trends will always change in response to cultural needs and technological advances, but there are some general principles that remain constant. For example, the use of texture is one trend that continues its popularity because it creates an inviting ambiance while also making your home look fresh and modern. This fall we are going to see textures used on walls with plaids or checks, as well as adding textured upholstery fabrics like velvet or corduroy to wicker or rattan furniture. The result is a cozy yet chic living space perfect for entertaining friends while maintaining functionality in your home! Which of these trends do you think would work best for your home? Let me know below!

If you are looking to buy house in Kelowna & or Saskatoon, Lisa Kloeble would be happy to help. She is your realtor with heart in Saskatoon & Kelowna.

Source of content: https://www.realtorswitheart.com/blog/fall-trends/


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