Memoir | The best realtor in Saskatoon | Lisa Kloeble


Expanding my business out west has been a work in progress for a couple of years now. As your Realtor with Heart, I have put a lot of thought and emotion into this project. Living in BC once again and revisiting my past has been such an amazing experience! It really isn’t about the destination, it is the journey, it is MY JOURNEY that makes this so special. With my arms wide open and my heart overflowing I look forward to what the future has for me to embrace.

With that, I have decided to blog my way back to BC. Here is my first memoire!

Since I can remember I dreamt of spending more time in British Columbia. As a young girl I traveled west often to visit extended family. At that young age it never felt like I was visiting, it felt like I was returning home. When I was in my early 20’s, quite abruptly and unexpectedly I found myself in Kelowna.

Reflecting on my time spent in BC, there are so many memories. I can still feel the dew on my toes as I waited for the sun to come up over the mountains, the breeze from the water gently brushing my cheek, I can hear the bush crack and trees rustle as I hiked through the forest, the sound of my saddle swaying back and forth as I enjoyed an evening ride and the smell of the campfires as they lit up the nights sky.

My most precious memories were the day trips to the beach. Packing up the three boys, their toys and lunch, we would finally make our way to our favorite spot. Once there, I would watch the big boys create castles they were kings of and break trails like great explorers, often bringing me back bugs and water creatures to take care of. As lunch would approach the sun’s heat would be too much; taking refuge under a tree we would quietly eat and settle in for some quiet time. The big boys would read and play games, as I rocked the little one to sleep; wiping the sweat beads from his forehead, I would close my eyes, hoping the moment will last forever. Until this day, Motherhood has never been so sweet. When home time would approach, The “please mom one last time…” would begin. Bartering, I would allow five more minutes of fun. Exhausted by the days heat, we would head for the vehicle. Making my way through the valley, the sun would start to set on the mountains, breathtaking like always! I check my rear view mirror; it was a picture of contentment, as the boys watched the road, replaying the days events. It gets very quiet, soon the boys are fast a sleep.

This memoir story has been presented by Lisa Kloeble, your trusted realtor in Saskatoon and Kelowna.

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