Fall Yard Maintenance Tips - Lisa Kloeble
Fall is a time of change and growth, and this includes your yard. As the leaves fall from the trees, it’s important to ensure that you’re maintaining your property so that it stays nice year round. Read on for tips on how to maintain your lawn as the seasons change! Fertilizing your lawn in the fall may seem counter intuitive, but it will really help your lawn out in the spring. The top may slow its growth, but the roots will continue to still grow as the weather cools. The roots will benefit from the extra nutrients and will actually store it until the growing season starts again in the spring. The late season fertilizer will encourage deep root growth. You may also consider aerating, power raking and over seeding your lawn in the fall as well. All this will prep it to have a great start to the spring growing season. Raking the leaves is beneficial as well. It will allow the lawn to see the fall sun, and we know cleaning up soggy leaves in the spring is never fun. Make sure to hav...